Alexander Jones is an animator, motion designer, illustrator, editor, and musician based in Seattle, Washington. He got his start in editing while studying Film and Digital Media at UC Santa Cruz.  Upon graduating in 2005 he began editing professionally, working on everything from the documentary feature Sputnik Mania which aired on the History Channel, to music videos, to directing, filming and editing work for non profit marine conservation organization Save Our Shores.  He had always been interested in drawing cartoons and animation throughout his youth, so he decided to expand his skillset and learn Animation and Motion Graphics at Seattle Film Institute. Upon earning his second Bachelor’s degree, he continued further in the field of motion design, completing School of Motion's Animation & Design Bootcamps, as well as Illustration for Motion. Over his career he has done motion design, animation and editing work for a wide breadth of clients including Google, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Amazon, AWS, RIPL, Vidbotz, Seattle Latino Film Festival, Hand Crank Films, and Pyramide Productions amongst others. He spent nearly 5 years working for online learning company Skill Up Technologies as an animator, video editor, working closely with clients like IBM, Microsoft, SAP, and Boston College Group amongst others to create inspiring and educational content for many different career paths and types of training. If your company, business, non profit or project is in need of quality animation, editing, design, music or visual storytelling, he can help you realize your vision.  Available for work in the Seattle area and remotely.


With his best friend